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Getting More Instagram Likes: Tips to Follow


You have captured a mesmerizing photograph, edited the picture with the customs filters, and also, invested a certain amount of money in order to ensure that a number of eyes are landing on that particular picture. However, you are not receiving any likes. Have you ever wondered as to why this happens? Despite working hard behind a particular photograph, you fail to garner likes from your followers or the other people. There is a chance that you have received sympathy likes, but unfortunately, the complete engagement rate of the Instagram post is extremely weak. This is one of those moments when you are going to think as to why you have chosen Instagram for marketing your brand.


However, you need to relax and understand that there are a huge number of likes, as well as future followers, who are waiting for your mesmerizing Instagram advertisements but have not got the chance to view them. The reason behind this is that Instagram is extremely popular and filled with a huge amount of compelling content, and it can be extremely difficult to push away the competition and come right in the front. Apart from the business competition that you have, you need to know that you are competing with everyone who is around you, from your hostel roommates to your family members.



However, following a few effective ways is not going to hurt you in any manner. Rather, you are going to get more likes on the Instagram advertisements. Given below is a list of the ways that you should definitely follow.


Be strategic with the hashtags


It is understandable that using hashtags is extremely critical on the Instagram advertisements and it is also difficult to understand as to which hashtags are going to benefit a particular advertisement. These are the questions that are going to keep bothering you before you are using hashtags. It is your responsibility to choose the Instagram hashtags properly so that they permit the people, who are outside your list of followers, to discover the posts and most importantly, they should be able to discover your brand as well. However, for finding the appropriate people for your brand, the appropriate hashtags are required.


Ensure that you are using popular hashtags, but they should not be extremely popular or you are going to get lost. It is also a good idea to conduct hashtag research so that it becomes easier for you to choose ideal hashtags for your posts. According to, the total number of hashtags that are capable of the best post engagement is 9.


Along with your hashtags, you can also try using a text generator to make your captions unique and stylish. Using any means to set yourself apart from the noise of Instagram is sure to bring you more Instagram likes.

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Run contests or organize giveaways with popular partners


Running a giveaway or a contest on Instagram is definitely not the newest concept. Contests are considered to be the ideal way of increasing post engagement because people are constantly interested in free stuff. For example, if your brand is offering a free supply of wine for a tropical vacation to the customers, everyone is going to like, share, as well as repost the content, only with the hope that they are going to win.


However, organizing as well as running a contest on Instagram is not going to be worth it if you have fewer followers. This is why you have to partner with businesses, which have huge follower bases. This is going to supercharge the efforts of hosting a contest and also ensure that you are gaining more likes on your Instagram advertisements.


Running advertisements when the audience is active


Instagram has an amazing feature, which is responsible for permitting the schedule when the advertisements are going to appear. The feature of ad scheduling is one of the best ways of advertising your brand in front of the people at an ideal time. If you are well accustomed with your audience, this should not be extremely hard for you, but you need to know that trial, as well as error, can also work in this place.


It is your responsibility to think about your business vertical. If you are into the business of online retail, you need to understand the time when people are interested in shopping for clothing. In a similar manner, you cannot miss thinking about the audience and the time that they are going to spend on Instagram. If you run advertisements when your audience is most active, you can be assured that you will be able to gain more likes on all your posts.


Post Instagram Stories on a regular basis


Most people have a question, which is, what the Instagram Stories have to do with increasing the engagement of an Instagram advertisement. This feature is going to ensure that your brand posts an image or video, which is going to last for 24 hours. It is true that your story is not going to be connected directly with the advertisement, but numerous users have also reported that stories are responsible for increasing brand engagement.


This feature is one of the ideal ways of increasing the presence on this platform, therefore, it is your responsibility to upload Instagram stories and you will be able to observe the engagement for yourself. Apart from that, your brand is also going to show up on the Explore page of Instagram. This is also going to ensure more likes as well as engagements on all the posts. You can also visit reputed websites in order to gain free Insta likes.


Ensure that you are targeting the appropriate audience


Just like Facebook, Instagram also permits building a target audience base for the ad campaigns. There are a number of segmentation options, which include age, location, interest, demographics, behavior, custom audience, lookalikes, connections, and a lot more. If you target the appropriate customers, it is obvious that you are going to get more likes on every individual post. Also, customers are going to start engaging with the posts by commenting on them and sharing them as well.


Conclusion: It is true that getting likes on Instagram is not an easy job. However, if you follow the tips that have been mentioned above, it is going to be easier for you to get likes on every post.

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